Three lives, three lives, one step, one lotus.

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Three lives, three lives, one step, one lotus.

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I don't know how long it took, but it seemed to hear the roar of rolling, with the same endless power as water, and the violent atmosphere of Pangu's creation of the world. The wetness from the soles of the shoes, the cold spring water like frost, constantly overflowed, wet the embroidered shoes, wet the skirts.. He suddenly stopped, and the sword in his hand was burning with red light, but it had supreme honor and instantly lit up the whole space. Qinghe's clear eyes sparkled with surprising colors, so sealed, there was no light source but it was shining, no water source but it was a waterfall. Pouring Wo Wan stands in the middle of the water, the soles of his feet seem to be stepping on something, bit by bit holding the pouring Wo out of the water, which has the meaning of good as water. Pouring a smile, what is the wonderful thing, there is such a refined root of wisdom? Author's words: Who will you meet? Be thorough first. He's such a cute little guy. The first issue of this book is Chapter 38 The Well of Gods and Demons, Tears of the Blue Devil (2) [Words in this chapter: 1176 Updated: 2012-05-24 10:00: 00.0] Pouring a smile, what is the wonderful thing,face recognition identification kiosk, there is such a refined root of wisdom? Her sword turned to pick, the bottom of the water Ling ran out of a thing, flying tulle wings, forehead antennae hanging green sprouts, smart eyes constantly moving, pink nose from time to time humming, fat mouth from time to time swallowing bubbles. The ball-like body kept swinging in the air like a flying pig. For a moment, Qinghe was dizzy by Meng,interactive kiosk price, stretching his sleeves, taking back his sword in an instant, leaning forward, holding his chin, and looking at it with interest. The pink and blue body of this flying pig is overlapping with countless dazzling lights, flying up and down like a dream, swaying from side to side. He stretched out his right hand to hold its dancing body and could not help smiling. The flying pig lowered its wings and hung its head. "Master, can you stop being so violent?" “……” The corners of his nifty mouth curved a sly smile, "It should be good to roast such a fat pig." “……” Flying pig a face of resistance, desperately struggling small wings, but was caught in the pulse, naturally can not break free, "bad master, bad master.". Every time I see you, touch screen digital signage ,facial recognition thermometer, I just want to eat. I have a hard life. “……” Qinghe narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly. If he looked carefully, the lovely sprout in front of him seemed to be familiar. It seemed that in a strange space of ice and fire, the sky was blue and the red lotus was on fire. In the dim light, there is a purple figure, as if from the ancient time tunnel, hovering around the flying pig, silvery laughter instantly spread all over the world, glowing with all vitality, so comfortable and comfortable. He trembled and rubbed his eyes, and as the breeze swept, the purple veil fluttered on the man's face, and the light of his eyes flowed with the veil dancing up and down, but he could not see the earth-shaking face under the purple gauze mist. Jun?! He unconsciously called out a name, this flying pig should be Jun. But she couldn't understand why she had such a feeling? Master?! The master recognized me. Master The flying pig is extremely excited, the dance step is light, two Wang tearful eyes pour down the water column, one is in an uproar, unexpectedly flies toward the arms of the river. He slanted his head sideways, slightly increased the strength in his hands, and simply lifted the flying pig out of the arm. Looking at the expression of the flying pig's great blow, he laughed out loud without conscience. ……” "What on earth are you trying to lure me here for?" He couldn't bear to hit the flying pig again, so he came straight to the point. ……” Flying pig is very aggrieved, "how can you do everything possible to lead the master to come here?!" “……” If the master's own soul awakens, he will wrong me. Cry.. "Oh?"? Stewed live pig should also be good. “……” The flying pig curled his eyebrows, "Jun Bai was originally the demon spirit of the Father God Pangu era. The Father God gave me to the Blue Devil, that is, the master you.". So I have you, the master who loves to cause trouble. ” "Blue Devil?!" He pinched his chin and thought hard, "Demons?" Jun Bai lightly, full of disdain, "what is the Demons?"? In ancient times, heaven and earth were chaotic and unknown, and the flood and famine had not yet changed. In order to continue the vitality, the mother God opened the axe of heaven with painstaking efforts, and the father God divided heaven and earth with the axe order. At the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, the order of the world is unstable, and the Father God, with his own divine power, stands in the sky. With the passage of thousands of years, the power of the Father God has been gradually exhausted. He could not bear his son Mochen to live alone, so he dissected his heart and created the Blue Devil with Pangu's heart. Looking forward to the eternal life of the Blue Devil accompanied by ink dust, the combination of Yin and Yang, the continuation of the divine vein, that is also the father God to repay his only child's guilt. With a faint smile, the so-called ancient times are an untouchable secret for them, but the distant story ripples in her heart and can not be calmed down for a long time. The legend,thermal imaging camera, which was originally very strange, is the most familiar resonance in the bottom of my heart. The first issue of this book is Chapter 39 Night of the Well, Jiao Ming Falling Soul [Number of words in this chapter: 1223 Latest update time: 2012-05-24 20:22: 00.0].

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